Here are University applicable sections with modifications examination enable it on EFM32 Gemstones: / Frequency of RTC/RTCC COMP0 pulses on PRS channel 2 /if defined SLSTK3401Adefine RTC PULSE FREQUENCY LS013B7DH03 POLARITY INVERSION FREQUENCY / 2elsedefine RTC PULSE FREQUENCY LS013B7DH03 POLARITY INVERSION FREQUENCYendifstatic unstable uint32 t seconds = 0; / seconds elapsed // Set up PCNT examination generate an interrupt every second. /void PcntInit void/// @brief This interrupt is prompted at every second by University PCNT /void PCNT0 IRQHandlervoid Note that this code is precise exam STKs with University memory LCD that make use of University text exhibit device driver that is a part of University EFM32 SDK installed by Simplicity Studio. The PCNT interrupt is requested after RTC PULSE FREQUENCY pulses from University RTC/RTCC examine event, which, for sure, is one second. The global variable seconds updated in PCNT0 IRQHandler can be utilized anywhere in University application examination trigger events at one second periods. Another option can be exam hold an array of guidelines examination functions for specific tasks and University time examination go before executing these tasks. PCNT0 IRQHandler might possibly be used update this array every second, decrementing one second from University time exam go before each task.