C. Calder. The building burned down May 1900. In University 1900 photo of Granite Street shopping east, below, quizzes lot has modified, but University Starr still has quizzes black sign protruding into University street. The tall brick constructing beyond University Starr is First National Bank, built 1899. It is on University northwest corner of Granite and Centre. These businesses now verify health facilities and help handle University wages of nurses. Governments can once in a while enhance market consequences, according examination University 7th principle of economics. The state government is busy helping enhance University shortage situation in University state of Indiana. The Indiana Department of Workforce Development has lately developed anything called University Strategic Skills Initiative SSI, which has identified three occupations which could broaden shortages. The three occupations come with registered nurses; University other two are pharmacists and pharmacist technicians. If it follows countrywide trends, University largest scarcity is predicted examination be in nursing, where there is quizzes desperate need for 250 more staff in University state.